Become a Volunteer

Equipped with a supporter-centric CRM, NationBuilder captures everything about your supporters, including their point of origin, engagement history, relationships, and more. Our database is optimized for grassroots organizing and driving people to action.

  • People database with targeting and mapping tools
  • Advanced filtering and segmentation
  • Growth dashboard to track overall impact
  • Distributed leadership via point people and customizable permissions
  • Data integration, supporter tagging, and workflow creation from website actions, social media, fundraising, email, and SMS
  • Activity history including online actions and offline contact tracking
  • Tracking and targeting tools for people, organizations, and households, including relationships
  • Custom import and export tools


Turbocharge your nation with Progressive Nation!

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Connect with Jagmeet

Address: 300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5J9